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AR and VR: Coming too Your Home Sooner Then You Think

By Kenneth Wood - March 2021

VR Treadmill - A Virtual Reality in a 4x4 space

Although, a more home friendly piece of technology that doesn't stand over 10 ft tall is the Omni directional treadmill, a treadmill that allows players to do all sorts of movements and actions like the Virtusphere, it allows these to be done in a 4 ft wide area, "With a diameter of just 4 feet, the Omni One is considerably lighter and more compact…". The treadmill acts similarly to the ball, with the major exception being a harness holding the person in place atop of the treadmill, as well as the treadmill itself which allows the person to walk any direction, and along with the harness keeps them in place- the harness also keeps track of the player's height, allowing for couching and such if the program being played allows it.


The treadmill also , as one of its main advantages, is the lessening of motion sickness while using virtual reality. It allows for a much more natural feel of movements while using ""Moving around virtual worlds by pushing buttons on a controller feels unnatural, static, and limiting,” added Goetgeluk. "You can't experience true virtual reality while sitting down or standing in place. You need to walk around virtual worlds as you do in real life – by using your own feet. With Omni One, everyone can experience the thrill of walking around inside your favorite games.””.

And even with these technologies are a bit too expensive to be asking your parents for Christmas or your birthday, with the usual price coming close to 2000 for a complete set and closer to 1000 for the treadmill itself, it does beat out the price to own the Virtusphere which comes to a much higher price. So while you may not have access to these technologies yet for home use, they're actively being developed on and improved so that bringing them to more people at home, like VR headsets which have finally started to come to a more consumer friendly price, is a much more realistic option.

Vr and Ar are having big steps taken in terms of their technology and the like, and while the price isn't quite general consumer friendly just yet like other products in the field, things that allow for a much more immersive experience with media are on the rise and in development. Advances in immersion and comfort in tech are on the rise, and soon to be in your home.

VR Headsets Are Falling In Price – Is This Good Or Bad News For Virtual Reality? - Kei Studios". 2021. Kei Studios. https://kei-studios.com/vr-headsets-are-dropping-in-price-is-this-good-or-bad-news-for-virtual-reality/.

Blogs, Wired. 2021. "Virtusphere: The Virtual Reality Hamster Ball". Wired. https://www.wired.com/2005/11/virtusphere-the/.

Plato, Republished. 2021. "The Virtuix Omni One Is A Consumer VR Treadmill For 2021". Plato. Vertical Search. Ai. | Platoaistream. Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.. https://zephyrnet.com/the-virtuix-omni-one-is-a-consumer-vr-treadmill-for-2021/.

Virtuix Reveals Omni One At-Home VR Treadmill - Vrscout". 2021. Vrscout. https://vrscout.com/news/virtuix-at-home-omni-one-vr-treadmill/.

"VIRTUSPHERE — Discover Virtual Reality". 2021. Virtusphere.Com. http://www.virtusphere.com/.

Photo by Stella Jacob on Unsplash

Copyright Kenneth Wood 2021