While effort is being put into expanding the uses of VR and AR, with gaming and such be a forefront for some of the community, the technology is also being put to use to help with the pandemic, and with one of those ways being a new way to video call.
Video chat rooms that work similar to other VR games but feature a office like background and lifelike avatars all for an immersive environment when doing those long conference calls. Simply load in an image of yourself and a 3D avatar will be made in your likeness that talks, blinks, and helps your co workers get a much better feel of the people they are talking to.
And in addition to it being a virtual space for people to meet, it also allows for all those great VR and AR features to be used during the call, allowing people to bring up virtual models of objects right in front of the other members of the video chat.
Taking the virtual meeting room to a whole other level of dimension is an extremely beneficial way for communication | online, and while there are drawbacks to doing such, including the price of the technology and how some don't enjoy it (with motion sickness from headsets being a big drawback for some) but with new technology on the rise for virtual reality, including the omni directional treadmill, it may be coming soon. The classroom zoom call may be looking more and more like a video game soon, and its thanks to the push that the covid 19 virus has given.
Bourne, James. 2021. "As Varjo And Meetinvr Team Up, Can VR Provide The Human Touch Videoconferencing Lacks? - Virtual Reality News". Virtual Reality News. https://virtualreality-news.net/news/2020/may/28/as-varjo-and-meetinvr-team-up-can-vr-provide-the-human-touch-videoconferencing-lacks/.
"History Of VR - Timeline Of Events And Tech Development". 2021. Virtualspeech.Com. https://virtualspeech.com/blog/history-of-vr.
"Is Virtual Reality The Future Of Video Conferencing?". 2021. Medium. https://medium.com/digital-diplomacy/is-virtual-reality-the-future-of-video-conferencing-5700269c9a4a.
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash